Commitment with a capital C!

I'm sure all of you can relate to the fact that college is supposed to be the best time of your life. Hanging out with friends, going to parties, staying up late for long study sessions, finding that special sweetheart. It's just a mix of experiences that you don't find anywhere else. No where else do you get to live with 45 other people your age on one floor, share the same 6 showers and bathroom stalls, eat the same nasty cafeteria food (which, here at Wayne State is often referred to as gag food...), or experience your roommate having phone sex when you're less than 7 feet away. That, my friends, is a story for a different time, though.

Still, in college, we all face tough decisions. Like last night: Do I risk going over on my points to go hang out with friends? See, I've not developed that sense of self control where I can go to out and not eat/drink whatever is put in front of me. I've only been doing this for a week and a half, and there is stress with the of end of the semester, the fact that I have a lot of friends who, plain and simple, like to eat.

So I worked out extra yesterday. Just so I could have fun. I didn't budget enough points anyway. And you know what, I thought, "Wildcat Kate, you went over hard core. How will you ever get back on track?" And this morning, after playing raquetball with roomie and grabbing a healthy breakfast, I realized that it's not that hard.

Because I'm committed to a new, healthier lifestyle, and one night with a few extra points won't kill that.

I Am Committed to a Better, Healthier, Happier Me!


Anonymous said...

Yay! What a healthy attitude to go with the healthy lifestyle! Because life will always happen. But no matter what happens, you're only one meal away (or one workout away) from being back on track.

Wildcat Kate said...

Mommy2Joe. I'm trying :) Thank you for the encouraging words! It's so much harder to stick to this than I thought, but I think I'm finally ready. Thanks again.

Jac @ Wuzzle Makes Three said...

ACK! Return of the Green Face picture!! *EEEK*

LOL! Sorry; can't resist it!

Every day is a new day, and you chose properly! Good for you! (Now, if you need encouragement this weekend while you are home - text me! Call me. Whatever. )

Wildcat Kate said...

Jac. I'm sorry. I forgot you thought my face looked green in that picture. Today wasn't as smooth as I'd hoped it would be, but that's okay. Tomorrow is a new day, with meals already fully planned. So. I should be good. :) But I may text or call. May need it.

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

I'm glad you didn't beat yourself up over some overindulging... It's all a journey. And every day and every meal is a fresh start...

Have a great weekend!

Wildcat Kate said...

Andrea. Thanks! It's harder than I expected, but it's not about the end, it's about the journey. The path you took is what defines you. I hope you have a great weekend as well!

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